Happy New Year folks!
OK, so here we go. I don’t normally do these type of things and it seems like there’s a bunch of these top# lists going around during this time of year. I’m not one just to go along with the trend just to go along. But I’m feeling more reflective, so in an effort to be more open and to share – here you go! In no particular order, here are the Top 22 Things I learned in 2022:
- It’s not all about me, but in this past year it had to be and that’s ok.
- Always be kind. You don’t always know what somebody else is going through behind the scenes it may be colored with stress, grief, trauma or drama or none of these.
- Take time to rest. You don’t need to be busy all the time or appear to be busy. Sometimes doing nothing is ok and enough.
- It’s OK to say NO, to disagree or to have a different perspective and not shift or change it or feel like you have to defend it.
- Don’t take it personal. Opinions, pride and offense often go hand in hand. It’s often not about you. Let it go.
- Eat well, make sleep a priority, drink water and be intentional about moving around.
- God always speaks. Pay attention to the whispers as it might not appear as blatant as a burning bush.
- Check in on the strong friend even though they say they’re ok. Make a call anyway. A friendly voice may be what someone needs.
- Grief comes in waves. You may be ok in one moment and not ok in the next moment. This is ok.
- If you think of someone reach out. Just do it.
- It doesn’t all have to be done today. Tackle it in small bites over time.
- Think – yes I can. What’s impossible is possible with faith. Believe and take a step.
- There is strength in joy. Continue to seek it.
- It’s ok to cry. It’s freeing and cleansing.
- You don’t have to be strong all of the time.
- Some things are not to be shared with everyone. They may not be able to handle it or it may be a trigger for them. That’s ok. Exercise discernment.
- Don’t think too much. Just do it. It just might work. If not, try again or try something else, but just try it.
- Be careful what you consume. What you watch, read, and hear impacts more than you know.
- Time waits for no one and procrastination is costly.
- Just because you thought it, doesn’t mean it needs to be said. Words have weight. Be mindful of your words, tone & intention.
- Experiences may be limited and subjective and often based on perception. Just because it’s your opinion or you had an experience with something, doesn’t mean that it’s right or makes one an authority.
- It takes a conscious effort to constantly seek joy, walk in love and operate in faith.
- BONUS : Focus for 2023 – Simplify everything : thoughts, focus, and stuff then act.
If you read through this list and made it this far thanks for indulging me! These days I’m still adjusting to life without my Mom and going more with the flow. It has been intense the past few years and I’ve been giving myself permission to just be, as I rediscover myself on this next phase of my journey. Remember to make it a habit to reflect, remove, revisit, restart & repeat often. Do this not only at the start of the year but regularly throughout the year!
I’d love to hear what you learned in 2022. Please feel free to share.
Be Well.
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