Sometimes I feel like I just need to get away to clear my head from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Commune with nature, recalibrate, and take in the sights and greenery just to take a break from the everyday. I took a drive about an hour outside of New York City out to the very east end of Long Island and visited a farm over the weekend to go strawberry picking. I can tell you that this is a far cry from New York City.

A lot of ground to cover!

Just the beginning!
As a city girl, I absolutely love doing stuff like this. –I know shocking isn’t it? But –can I tell you that the air was clean and fresh! One thing that I noticed was that my allergies weren’t bothering me all day –no sneezing, coughing, or stuffy head needing something so I could rest medicine! I felt at peace and my only thoughts were concentrating on finding the best strawberries and fill up my little basket.
I usually go apple picking in the fall so at least once a year, I get out of the city limits just to get away for the day. I always see strawberries in the store but I never really knew what it took to get there. It was a cloudy day and threats of rain had me a bit concerned leading up to the weekend because I was going strawberry picking! I mean could you just see this city girl traipsing around in a muddy field trying to pick some strawberries.. oh no! LOL!
But as I’ve learned on this caregiving journey, sometimes you just have to go with the flow and move through the experiences of life. My old track coach used to say, “ Roll with it!” It’s funny how these memories come flooding back to mind. It also happened that this was the last day to pick strawberries at the farm as they are only available during the month of June and I did not want to miss out on this experience.

On the prowl!
Luckily we were only sprinkled with a fine mist periodically during the day. I learned that they start planting now and it takes a whole year for the strawberries to get ready for the next harvest. Seed time and harvest time. So interesting that there’s a time for all things. It’s the law of nature – we should not rush the process no matter how much we’d like to. Doing things and consuming things during its appropriate season. So there’s a time to rest, a time to work and a time to play. Even you –yes you my dear deserve a break today!

My harvest!

Fresh out the oven!
Now I had to think about what I was going to do with all of these strawberries I gathered. I definitely needed to do something with the fruits of my labor!! LOL! Pinterest to the rescue! I found a banana & strawberry bread recipe. I love banana bread and strawberries can only make it better!
Voila! Hubby helped me make the bread and my Mom helped us eat it!! LOL! She made sure that I cut her a slice to go for her late evening snack. Bake bread and rejoice! Fresh food with pure natural ingredients = a happy healthy family. Who said that food can’t taste good and be real?
Please remember – there’s always tomorrow, take time out to stress less and make memories. Sometimes you just have to roll with it! Even though you may be experiencing a challenge, take time to enjoy the sweetness that life has to offer.

Ready to eat! Yum!
Please share what you do to take a break.
I enjoyed this story. Just reading it made me feel relaxed.
Thanks Jacqueline. I hope you are making sure to take some breaks too!