I thought I would share a little insight about me and bewellbeswell.com.
What is Be Well Be Swell?
The concept of “Be Well Be Swell” is a lifestyle – a way of life encouraging you to seek joy, always walk in love and live in your purpose even while caring for others!
BeWellBeSwell.com is a service oriented business focused on the personal development and empowerment of caregivers.
To “Be Well and Be Swell” is a guide geared towards helping you Live Well * Feel Well * Be Well and Do Well.
We appoach the caregiver with a holistic view of the entire person and not just single out the role of caregiver or focus on just the cargivee ( the person whom you are caring for).
We help the caregiver identity what a caregiver needs to do for themselves
Provide tools and resources so you can be well!
Why did I create BeWellBeSwell.Com?
It was born out of necessity. I found myself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated and in need of a way to get organized especially with keeping track of 2 elderly parents who had considerable health challenges while keeping up with my own needs. Since I gained all of this knowledge through my experience, I figured why not share it so it can help someone either avoid some of the pitfalls of caregiving or if not avoid just be able to navigate it with better insight.
Who is Denise?
I am a life strategist that helps caregivers move from frazzled and frustrated to faithful and focused.
- To learn more about me click here.
Who is this for?
This information is not just for people who are caring for elder parents – but also those who are caring for a spouse, or a special needs child, or an able bodied family, the same rules an tips apply to everyone.
If you are caring for a family, you are a caregiver in essence. The mothers/spouse is the mainstay of the family and your usually running and taking care of everything.
These are things that you need to put in place regardless of your age, taking care of others and especially if you are single adult.
How can you work with me?
I’m available for individual caregiver coaching sessions – Visit https://bewellbeswell.com/workwithme/ to book a discovery session.
Are you new to caregiving and don’t know where to start? You could probably benefit from checking out the Caregiver’s Prep Guide. It will help you get familiar with key terms and started with your caregiving journey. Learn more here!