You are probably wondering why and how did I come up with this cute little catchy moniker. Well one day it just popped in my head. It has always been a constant struggle to achieve balance in life. We try to control the outcomes of situations and circumstances instead of going with the flow. However, in order to get to a place of balance it is something that must be done intentionally.
As a caregiver, you can wear many hats and it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and the unexpected. Take note, I’m not exclusively defined by this role. I truly believe that you can still actively pursue the desires and dreams of your life. Life can be filled with joy, peace and lots of love even among the tons of challenges that may arise. I simply wanted to chronicle my journey on the road to wellness and the things I’ve learned along the way. As I began to seek my purpose Be Well Be Swell Was Born.
The tag line is simply summarizes the process: Living Well | Feeling Well | Doing Well | Being Well
Strive to Live Well.
– and –
If you are Living Well, you will Feel Well;
If you are Feeling Well, you will Do Well;
If you are Doing Well, you will Be Well.
And well isn’t all of that just Swell? I think so!!
Be Well Be Swell is more of lifestyle and/or a way of being. I’m striving to ascend to this joyful level of existence to be at peace and centered no matter what’s going on in life. The concept has evolved overtime and continues to develop as I evolve. I hope to inspire you to strive to choose joy and to be well every day even during the storms.
Until next time..
-Be Well
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